Alternatively, even if you are well right now but have been exposed to asbestos (substance that causes mesothelioma), you should find a well-reputed physician and explore all your treatment options.
Why? Because mesothelioma is a deadly condition and is entirely caused by an exposure to asbestos. This substance uses heat-resistant fibers and is a naturally-occurring mineral that has many uses.
However, the heat-resistance property of this substance also makes it highly dangerous. When inhaled, asbestos can harm your respiratory system and lungs.
It takes years to experience any asbestos-related symptoms. However, some people who have been exposed to this substance for a long time or work in a place with a poor ventilation system, might develop symptoms quite early.
If you have been exposed to asbestos in a similar setup, you might want to consult a mesothelioma lawyers Washington and pursue a settlement. And in that case, our network of mesothelioma law professionals is a perfect team to save you from this trouble.
With a dedicated and experienced team of mesothelioma attorneys in Washington, our network is always prepared to help you get the compensation you completely deserve.
Moreover, our team also understand that diagnosis of mesothelioma can cause panic and depression, and you require all the support to make this situation slightly bearable for you and your family.
Our network of mesothelioma law professionals considers their client as our priority and ensures that everyone leaves satisfied after taking our services.
If you have been exposed to asbestos in a similar setup, you might want to consult a mesothelioma lawyer Washington and pursue a settlement. And in that case, our network of mesothelioma law professionals is a perfect team to save you from this trouble.

Asbestos Toxicity
According to the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, more than 27 million people were exposed to this mineral in the years between 1940 to 1979. That’s why in 1989, the USA banned all degrees of asbestos usage for its toxic nature.
However, industries using asbestos before the ban are still utilizing this mineral today, but under certain regulations.
Industries such as asbestos mining, building demolition, shipbuilding, manufacturing cement-related products, welding, plumbing, steamfitting, railroads, and manufacturing automotive parts are still exposing their employees to this deadly mineral.
There are many asbestos products that also harm the public in many ways. For instance, items such as asbestos cement, asbestos vinyl tiles, asbestos sealants and adhesive, and asbestos plastics contain the legacy of this mineral and expose many people to the harm this mineral can cause.
As per a rule by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, all manufacturers are supposed to seek approval from the government before manufacturing and selling these products.
Additionally, while it is impossible to identify an asbestos product, you can get an item tested in the lab to recognize the presence of this mineral. Asbestos doesn’t have a smell or taste when added in a product. Besides, you can’t even see it from your naked eyes and that’s why, it’s preferred to have the professionals help you identify its presence.
An Introduction to Asbestos
Asbestos is a naturally-occurring substance or mineral and contains heat-resistant fibers. These flexible fibers are also resistant to corrosion and electricity.
This means that asbestos is an ideal material for many products, however, the same property also makes asbestos greatly toxic.
Before the dangers related to asbestos were unknown, this mineral was found in many products. But today, while it is still not banned, its use is highly regulated in the USA.
Asbestos has six different types and they are divided into two categories, Serpentine and Amphibole. There are five types that come under the category of Amphibole and all of these have jagged and straight shapes.
On the other hand, the Serpentine asbestos has a curly shape and contains only one type, Chrysotile.
Asbestos is available in different parts of the world. But its main exporters are China, Kazakhstan, and Russia. This toxic mineral might also be present as contaminants in other different materials such as vermiculite and talc.
Unfortunately, asbestos is a primary cause of many different diseases such as cancer. Mesothelioma is a specific cancer form that is entirely caused by exposure to asbestos. Other diseases include:
- Asbestosis
- Pleuritis
- Pleural effusions
- Diffuse pleural thickening
- Pleural plaques
Not even a small amount of exposure to asbestos is safe. However, when exposed to high concentrations or daily exposure, this mineral can lead to many life-threatening effects. It accumulates in your body, and unfortunately, there is no other way to go back.
You can easily inhale the fibers as they can become airborne. It is also imperative to note that disturbing asbestos products are also not safe. In addition, people living close to asbestos deposits should also avoid disturbing the possible contaminated soil.
Interestingly, most people suffering from an asbestos-related disease are above 60. That’s because all asbestos-related conditions take many years to develop.
Asbestos Materials
The materials made by asbestos fall into two different categories. First, the friable asbestos materials can easily break with your hand. For instance, insulation pipes made of asbestos or contaminated talcum powder can be crumbled. However, unfortunately, the friable asbestos materials are quite toxic as they conveniently release harmful particles in the air.
On the other hand, the non friable materials are quite durable. These include asbestos vinyl tiles and cement slabs made of asbestos.
Until you manually disturb these materials, asbestos fibers stay safe within them. However, if you smash, scrape or saw these products, the fibers may release and expose you to the harmful properties of asbestos.
Different Types of Mesothelioma
There are four different types of mesothelioma. They are defined according to the place where the tumor forms. Unfortunately, the types, peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma are quite common. On the other hand, the testicular and pericardial mesothelioma affect only 2% of exposed people. Mesothelium is a protective lining that helps cover your abdomen, lungs and heart. However, when a tumor forms on this lining, it gives life to the cancer, mesothelioma. Here are some details on the different types of mesothelioma:

Pleural Mesothelioma
This type happens in 75% of the total cases. In this condition, the tumor forms in the lining of the lungs. Treatment approaches such as multimodal therapy works effectively in some cases.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma
This cancer happens to less than 20% of the total cases. It occurs on the lining covering the abdomen. Treatments such as heated chemotherapy and surgery contribute towards improving the patient’s condition.

Pericardial Mesothelioma
This is a rare form of cancer that happens on the thin lining of the heart. Treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery help increase the chances of survival.

Testicular Mesothelioma
Again a rare form of mesothelioma, this cancer develops on the testes’ lining. In addition, treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery offer great results to curb down the effects of this cancer.
Why Choose Us?
The Mesothelioma Lawyer Washington You Can Depend On!
- Our network of mesothelioma law professionals you can be assured that your case is safe in good hands. Thankfully, their experience and expertise will never let you down and ensure that you are informed of every update that might or might not work to your benefit.
- You won’t find a well-equipped and skilled team anywhere else. Lucky for you, our staff is well-trained and is knowledgeable enough to guide you about all the nitty gritties of your mesothelioma case. Moreover, they are friendly enough to offer support and any guidance to a client who might need them for their peace of mind.
- Whenever we get a case, we form a solid legal team that can evaluate all the aspects of asbestos products and their exposure. Our legal team usually contains mesothelioma lawyers, investigators, medical experts, paralegals and a support staff.
- To gain your confidence in our team, they arrange a case review. This review helps decide whether you are eligible to file a lawsuit or not.
- Our staff ensures that they are available for your assistance at all times. Moreover, they are always a phone call away, so that your communication with them is hurdle-free.
- Our network charges are quite reasonable, which means that you won’t find it overpriced. Our network of mesothelioma law professionals make sure that our services and fees reflect each other and in no way represent them or their clients in a negative way. Moreover, they are always available for any negotiations as our experts give clients and their financial status priority over our fee structure.
- As a network of law professionals dealing specifically with mesothelioma cases, our team ensures that they have up to date resources such as medical data, company records of different manufacturers using asbestos products, and information from previous similar cases that might help in filing your lawsuit.
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What Is Mesothelioma?
Explained as a dangerous malignant tumor, mesothelioma is caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. In this condition, the tumor can form on the heart, lungs, or abdomen lining and leads to symptoms such as breathing problems and frequent chest pains.
What’s more, mesothelioma is incurable cancer that mostly develops after a long period of exposure to asbestos.
Unfortunately, the life expectancy of people suffering from mesothelioma is just 12 months after its first diagnosis. That said, treatment such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery might improve the prognosis. Radiation therapy is often recommended on all stages of cancer and helps reduce the growth of tumors while also easing the overall pain.
Different Types of Mesothelioma
There are four different types of mesothelioma. They are defined according to the place where the tumor forms. Unfortunately, the types, peritoneal and pleural mesothelioma are quite common. On the other hand, the testicular and pericardial mesothelioma affect only 2% of exposed people. Mesothelium is a protective lining that helps cover your abdomen, lungs and heart. However, when a tumor forms on this lining, it gives life to the cancer, mesothelioma. Here are some details on the different types of mesothelioma:
Pleural Mesothelioma
This type happens in 75% of the total cases. In this condition, the tumor forms in the lining of the lungs. Treatment approaches such as multimodal therapy works effectively in some cases.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
This cancer happens to less than 20% of the total cases. It occurs on the lining covering the abdomen. Treatments such as heated chemotherapy and surgery contribute towards improving the patient’s condition.
Pericardial Mesothelioma
This is a rare form of cancer that happens on the thin lining of the heart. Treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery help increase the chances of survival.
Testicular Mesothelioma
Again a rare form of mesothelioma, this cancer develops on the testes’ lining. In addition, treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery offer great results to curb down the effects of this cancer.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
The symptoms of this condition do not appear before the tumor has spread, grown and haven’t pushed against your chest or the abdominal cavity. An early diagnosis helps to increase the chances of survival and open doors to many treatment options. However, since the symptoms of this cancer are common, a misdiagnosis is quite possible. But make sure you are aware of your asbestos exposure and are confident to share your history with a consultant. Here are some common symptoms of mesothelioma:
- Dry cough
- Continuous fever
- Respiratory complications
- Fatigue
- Muscle weakness
- Abdominal or chest pain
Diagnosing Mesothelioma
If you have or anyone you know are going through the above symptoms, it is imperative to seek a diagnostic procedure. There are many procedures that can diagnose this cancer; however, biopsy is the most effective one. If you are lucky to get a diagnosis in your early stage of cancer, the availability of treatment options increases manifolds.
Here are some testing procedures that can diagnose mesothelioma:

Imaging Scans
Most people choose an X-ray to detect any abnormalities. If the chest X-ray shows fluid or a certain growth surrounding the lungs, you might have to go for a much more detailed scan such as CT scan, MRI or PET scan.

In case of a suspected cancer, your consultant will recommend a procedure known as biopsy. In this process, professionals take a tissue sample to evaluate the presence of any mesothelioma cells.

Blood Tests
Unfortunately, while blood tests are recommended, they do not show the presence of cancer-causing cells. Scientists and researchers are still evaluating the importance of blood tests for the diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Procedures such as biopsies and imaging scans help determine the spread and growth of the tumor. This evaluation is important to understand the right stage of this cancer.
Most doctors use the efficient TNM staging system to determine the stage of malignant mesothelioma.
Stages of Mesothelioma
If you have or anyone you know are going through the above symptoms, it is imperative to seek a diagnostic procedure. There are many procedures that can diagnose this cancer; however, biopsy is the most effective one. If you are lucky to get a diagnosis in your early stage of cancer, the availability of treatment options increases manifolds.
Here are some testing procedures that can diagnose mesothelioma:
Stage 1
In this stage, the cancer is usually localized and so surgery often results in an effective outcome.This surgery helps remove the tumor and decrease the overall pain.
Stage 2
This stage occurs when the tumor has spread from its original location to other adjacent structures. However, this slight spread is usually treatable through surgery in some cases.
Stage 3
When cancer has grown and spread into lymph nodes, it gives rise to Stage 3. In this stage, surgery is a treatable option in only a few selected cases.
Stage 4
Unfortunately, in this stage, the tumor has spread into many distant organs. Treatments such as immunotherapy and chemotherapy help ease the symptoms and pain but the life expectancy decreases to 14.9 months only. Chemotherapy involves strong drugs that help shrink any cancer cells present while immunotherapy helps control the growth of cancer using loads of drugs.
Mesothelioma Prognosis and Life Expectancy
Prognosis helps determine the overall life expectancy of the patient suffering from mesothelioma. Although this cancer is incurable, the life expectancy of each patient may differ due to factors such as age, overall health, lifestyle and even finances.

Why Do You Need an Washington Lawyer Mesothelioma In Your Case?
Mesothelioma lawyers Washington can also help you get compensation for your disease which might further assist you with your treatment.
Unfortunately, mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer. And if you have been unknowingly or knowingly been exposed to asbestos in Washington, your risk of forming this cancer increases manifold.
In addition, mesothelioma has a treatment but sadly, there isn’t any cure yet. This means that the prognosis of this disease is around twelve months only.
The treatment cost of mesothelioma is quite high. So, if you live in Washington, you should reach out to mesothelioma attorneys Washington, and choose a lawyer that can help you get compensation from people who were negligent in your case.
Asbestos Lawsuits in Washington
Like most other states, Washington also comes with its own statute of limitations linked with wrongful death, personal injuries or other different types and categories of claims. These limitations help set the approximate timeframes for filing different lawsuits.
Since the period of filing varies with every case, it is imperative to hire an Washington asbestos lawyers. It is because they will already know about these limitations and might also provide good guidance throughout the process, giving you many options available.
In addition, an Washington asbestos lawyers can also help determine whether your case falls within the statutory limits or not. In most cases, they might also expedite the whole process.
It is highly advisable is to connect with a Washington asbestos attorney as soon as you get a diagnosis of mesothelioma or there is death by this cancer. An immediate action means that your lawsuit can be easily filed within the set limitations.

Connecting With an Washington Lawyer Mesothelioma
A lawyer that specializes in mesothelioma cases can help you regarding your lawsuits concerning asbestos exposure. They have the right sources, experience and expertise on asbestos, helping you file a claim against asbestos exposure.
What’s more, the compensation that you might receive after the lawsuit is over, can help you finance your treatment, secure the financial future of your family and also hold companies liable for any negligence on asbestos.
It is imperative to connect with an attorney to first confirm whether you are eligible for a lawsuit or not. If you are, an Washington mesothelioma attorney can help you take any legal action and create a strong case for a deserved compensation.
Unfortunately, many manufacturers hide the truth behind their asbestos-related products and as a result, expose many people to this toxic mineral. A well-reputed Washington asbestos attorney can question these corporations for their practices and pressurize them to compensate for any sufferings they might have caused.
Asbestos Lawsuits in Washington
Like most other states, Washington also comes with its own statute of limitations linked with wrongful death, personal injuries or other different types and categories of claims. These limitations help set the approximate timeframes for filing different lawsuits.
Since the period of filing varies with every case, it is imperative to hire a mesothelioma lawyer Washington. It is because they will already know about these limitations and might also provide good guidance throughout the process, giving you many options available.
In addition, a mesothelioma lawyer Washington can also help determine whether your case falls within the statutory limits or not. In most cases, they might also expedite the whole process.
It is highly advisable is to connect with the asbestos lawyers in Washington as soon as you get a diagnosis of mesothelioma or there is death by this cancer. An immediate action means that your lawsuit can be easily filed within the set limitations.

Here are the types of claims that a mesothelioma lawyer can handle for you:
Wrongful Death
Often filed by family members, the wrongful death lawsuit helps seek any compensation after the patient’s death.

Personal Injuries
In such lawsuits, you as a patient, can demand compensation from the company that exposed you to asbestos products. However, it is imperative that the company should still be in business to provide you with a certain settlement amount.

VA Benefits
If a military veteran develops mesothelioma during their service, they can receive benefits related to health care and any monetary help through the Department of Veterans Affair. Moreover, they can also still file a claim against a party except for the military or the government of the USA.

Asbestos Trust Fund
This claim works in cases where the company manufacturing asbestos products files for bankruptcy to avoid being sued. In that case, the victim can file a trust fund claim to receive any compensation.
How Does Filing a Lawsuit Work?
Once you have selected a mesothelioma lawyer Washington for your lawsuit, you will have to present the following documents to the attorney to help build your case.
- Medical proof of your diagnosis
- Medical history
- Smoking history
- Any document or proof of asbestos exposure in a certain timeframe
- A proof of exposure level
- Any additional documents that a lawyer might ask
After the lawyer is satisfied with your documentations, they will identify all the potential companies that are liable and then file the claims. It can be quite tough in some cases as your exposure to asbestos might almost be 20 to 50 years old.
In that case, the attorney uses proprietary databases to access the manufacturers and their products that might have exposed you to asbestos.
Before filing a claim your lawyer will also explain to you all the available legal options and will also guide you on the optimal time to start a lawsuit.
Once the claim is filed, the defendant has 30 days to respond to the lawsuit. In some rare cases, companies might settle the case with a small amount. But there are many lawsuits in which the defendants outrightly deny to pay any compensation.
The next step is usually discovery and trial preparation. In the phase of discovery, the lawyers from both sides collect all kinds of required evidence to present at the hearing. Moreover, during this period, many defendants do try to settle the case to avoid a cumbersome trial that might ruin their reputation.
When the trial starts going against the defendant, they might choose to pay the settlement amount to avoid facing any damaging verdict. It is always wise to accept the settlement. Because if you won’t, the defendant may file for an appeal and increase the duration of the case.
One of the most enticing aspects about hiring a lawyer is that they can guide you whether you should wait for a much better proposal or take the settlement money and close the case immediately.
Moreover, they might also help you learn about trust fund claims and their effect on the rest of the legal claims.
The attorneys might also help you get as much compensation as possible within a limited time. One you have received your settlement compensation, you can use it to cover all the medical expenses and lost wages incurred during the treatment process.
If you are filing the case for a family member who has experienced death due to mesothelioma, you can use the received money for any funeral costs.

So, what can the asbestos lawyers in Washington do for you?
- An attorney can help identify and evaluate your compensation options so that you have enough money to cover all your treatment costs and simultaneously, provide for your family.
- They will also build a solid case against corporations who might have exposed you to asbestos.
- The lawyer will explain to you about all related procedures and might also provide you with the much-needed “peace of mind.”
- An attorney may also help you connect with the finest medical specialists in town who will make sure that your treatment goes smoothly.
Lost Wages and Medical Expenses
There is no doubt that many patients suffering from mesothelioma might face financial difficulties as their hospital bills may experience an extraordinary increase.
In addition, most patients and their family members are unable to work because of treatment and caregiving.
In that case, they might lose their job, leading to a consistent loss of income.
If you do not have a job as well because of these circumstances, your lost wages might be included in the amount of compensation received from the defendant.

Settlement Amounts for Mesothelioma Cases
There is no fixed amount of financial compensation for every mesothelioma case. On average, the settlement amounts may vary between $1 million to $1.4 million, but that too might vary.
Here are a few factors that might affect the potential amount that a defendant may agree to pay you.
Punitive and Compensatory Damages
When a plaintiff wins a lawsuit, the jury also adds compensatory damages on the total settlement amount. These damages represent the economic losses that a plaintiff might have suffered.
Additionally, in some cases, the jury also considers some punitive damages. These damages help punish any defendant who might have behaved wrongly during the whole trial. A punitive damage usually works as a punishment to prevent any company, including the defendant’s, from showing such behavior again.
Wrongful Death
The amount of financial liability gets quite enormous if the company knowingly allows asbestos-related products to harm its staff and workers. In such cases, most defendants try to settle the claim as soon as possible before going through a cumbersome trial process.
Cases Against More Than One Company
Sometimes the plaintiff files a case against more than one company for asbestos exposure. In such lawsuits, it is quite common for some manufacturers to settle the claim quickly to avoid any other legal expenses or an unnecessary damage to their reputation.
There are a few states that have a certain limit on the settlement that a plaintiff can receive. In that case, additional legal claims can’t be made.